Klarolaks: An Introduction

KlarolaksWhat is Klarolaks?

Klarolaks is a breakthrough in water treatment, delivering uniquely stabilised liquid Chlorine Dioxide in a new, user-friendly and ultra-powerful formulation, making it practical for use in a wider range of businesses.  It improves water quality while reducing all aspects of associated pollution, helping deliver key ESG and sustainability goals.  Klarolaks is specifically designed to be easy to install and cost effective, allowing for improved performance and reduced pollution coupled with real world practicality.

Breakthrough Chemistry

The most powerful method for recycling and treating water in the safest, most efficient and sustainable form.

Environmentally Friendly

Klarolaks is the only stable, long life, transportable Chlorine Dioxide concentrate technology available.  It is faster, more effective, safer and more environmentally friendly than existing water treatment.

Optimal Performance

The pioneering biotechnology that goes into Klarolaks delivers the most effective and comprehensive treatment for bacteria, biofilm, pathogens, fungi and water-borne viruses where a consistent, dependable clean water supply is critical.


What does this mean for our customers?

Klarolaks is unique in delivering stable Chlorine Dioxide in a safe and stable liquid format; resulting in the highest levels of water quality, with minimal environmental impact.  It is proven to be up to 90% more powerful than other water treatments such as Chlorine.  This results in less chemical use, better results, and less pollution.  It enables businesses to safely reuse more water through reduced dependence on continuous water supply from main water sources or delivered water.  Klarolaks is not corrosive and will deliver improved performance without the need for costly ongoing repair and maintenance.

Colin Perry-Davis, our CEO says: “Klarolaks is proven to be significantly more powerful than other water treatments such as chlorine.  It enables us to deliver water treatment in a safe and stable form.  This is a game changer product for our customers.”


For more information or a quote, get in touch with us today!


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