It is our intention to ensure that the Rock Compliance Limited website www.rockcompliance.co.uk achieves digital accessibility for people with disabilities. The website has been designed with this in mind, and we are constantly working to make it as usable as possible for all visitors.


To achieve this, we believe that all pages comply with the technical requirements of level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines.


We have outlined below some of the features we have incorporated into the website.



  • Keyboard access

Skip to main content’ links to allow direct access past the navigation menu to the page’s main content.


  • Text size

To enhance readability, text size can be varied by using the browser’s text resize option: View – Text Size.


  • Alternative text for images

All images used within the website have been given appropriate alternative text describing what is shown.


  • Heading elements

HTML heading elements have been used to represent page structure. This supports assistive technologies that allow page navigation from heading to heading.


  • Link text

Hyperlinks are clearly presented in a different colour from normal body text. This means that they can be easily identified.


  • JavaScript independence

Where JavaScript or other scripts are used for navigation or functionality, an alternative mechanism has been put in place in case your browser does not support these scripts.


  • Colour contrast

Text and background colour combinations have been checked across all the main platforms to ensure that the contrast is sufficient.


  • Style sheets

We have used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the presentation of pages and have used properly structured markup for content. If style sheets are not supported or are turned off, information on the site can still be accessed and read.



If you have any difficulties accessing information on this website, we want to hear from you so that we can put things right as quickly as possible. We would also welcome feedback on how we can make the website even more accessible. Please contact us.

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